July 7, 2009

Experiences with Paraprofessional Support

Broer, Doyle and Giangreco’s (2005) study examines the perspective of students with intellectual disabilities experiences with paraprofessional support.

Four themes emerged from the study:
1. Paraprofessional as Mother
2. Paraprofessional as Friend
3. Paraprofessional as Protector From Bullying
4. Paraprofessional as Primary Teacher

Each theme is interrelated and has both positive and negative aspects for the consumer, the student. Thus, there are implications for practice.

“What these students sought was so simple and yet foundational to quality education. They wanted to belong. They wanted to feel that they were worthy of the teacher’s time. They wanted to have friends. They wanted to go about their school day without fear or embarrassment. They wanted to learn. In too many cases they did not experience these basics, despite the fact that the attended general education classes and had the support of the paraprofessionals” (Broer, Doyle & Giangreco, 2005, p. 427).


Broer, S., Doyle, M.B. & Giangreco, M. (2005) Perspectives of Students With Intellectual Disabilities About Their Experiences With Paraprofessional Support, Exceptional Children, 71:4, 415-430.